Mom’s Cunt 5
by RachaelDMM

Celeste wanders into the family room where Steven is watching some dumb cop reality show. She sits down with her glass of wine and tries to watch, but her brain soon begins to go numb. She considers nipping off to the bathroom for a quick rub. But then she tells herself no. She can’t. She’s been masturbating way too much over the past couple days…ever since she taught her son a better way to jerk off. Well, that and the incident with Janet in her bedroom.
“Let me ask you something,” she says. Steven pauses the show (can’t miss a single second of that riveting action) and looks at her expectantly. “This might sound weird, but I want you to be honest with me. Did you ever steal your mom’s dirty underwear?”
He thinks about it. “No. Why?”
“I don’t know. Maybe to sniff them…or something.”
He chuckles. “No, I mean why do you ask? Is Connor stealing your panties?”
“I don’t think so, but maybe,” she lies. She found the evidence that morning, just like Janet had told her she would…under Connor’s mattress. She was disgusted, but it gave her an odd thrill.
“Well, I wouldn’t blame him. If my mom looked like you I probably would have. I used to steal my sister’s panties instead.”
Celeste wasn’t expecting that. “And, um…you’d sniff them?”
“Yeah, I suppose, sometimes. Those panties were like catnip for me back then.”
“So you…ah…masturbated with them?”
He’s clearly uncomfortable talking about this, but Celeste doesn’t care. “Well, yeah, I guess so. Boys that age will masturbate to a rock if it has a nice curve to it.”
“Good to know.” She doesn’t want to give herself away, but she has to ask. “Did your mother ever catch you jerking off?”
He thinks. “Once.”
“What happened?”
He looks at her sideways. “Do you really want to hear this?”
She nods and caresses a breast through her blouse. That convinces him to go on. “It was nothing really. I was out in the backyard spanking it one day.”
“The backyard?”
“I was behind the shed, on my knees. I must have found a sexy rock or something that day. Mom came around the corner of the shed and found me there with my shorts down and my dick in my hand.” Steven smiles as he recalls this. “She told me, and I’ll never forget this, to ‘go ahead and finish.’”
“And did you?”
“Of course. I was already close, so it only took a few strokes and I blew my load there in the grass right in front of her.”
“What did she do then?”
“I don’t know. Just kind of smiled and left me there feeling like a dope.”
“What would you have liked to happen? What if she offered to finish you off instead?”
He looks surprised. “How did you know that was my fantasy after it happened? Every time I would jerk off after that I would hope she’d catch me and then take over when she did.” He realizes he’s said too much. “Why are we even talking about this? Is something weird going on with you?”
She shrugs. “Just something I saw on Dr. Phil earlier today, no big deal. They were talking about how a lot of men have a panty-sniffing fetish and how it can usually be traced back to their moms when they were teenagers. I was just curious if it was true, that’s all.”
“Okay, but…” he doesn’t seem to know what to say next. “Did you catch Connor jerking off or something?”
“No.” She barely stops herself from adding “Not yet.” Celeste undoes the top button of her blouse. “You want to go fool around a little?”
Steven gets a pained look. “Not now. Maybe later, hon.” He hits play and the show starts up again. Celeste wants to punch him in his stupid face, but instead, she goes to her room, intent on taking care of herself. As she passes Connor’s closed bedroom door, she stops and listens. What is she expecting to hear? What is she hoping to hear? She opens the door a bit without knocking and is disappointed to see him lying on his bed reading “Lord of the Flies” for school like a good boy. She slips in and shuts the door behind her.
Connor looks at her and smiles. “Hey, Mom. What’s up?
“Just wondering what’s going on with you?”
“Nothing. You look nice,” he says, his eyes clearly focused on her chest. She’d forgotten to button up. No biggie, she tells herself.
“Thanks, sweetheart. I don’t hear that enough these days. Your father barely notices me anymore,” she sighs, knowing she shouldn’t be talking to him about that stuff.
“I notice you,” he says eagerly. “I notice you all the time. But, I guess I don’t say anything about it because…y’know, you’re my mom and stuff.”
“What is it you notice the most?” she asks, surprised at how flirty she sounds.
“Oh…well…um…your butt mostly, I guess. It’s really nice to look at.” He’s not sure if he’s getting himself into trouble. “But also your face…and how pretty you are!” he quickly adds in an effort to save himself. Such a cutie.
“I noticed you didn’t ask me for a picture of my face the other day, though, did you?”
“No…sorry…it’s just that…I don’t know…”
She decides to let him off the hook. “No need to explain. How did Aiden like my picture?”
“He said you…oh…I mean…nothing…I didn’t show it to him.” He was a terrible liar.
“That’s too bad, I was curious if he thought my cunt was better than his mom’s.”
“Really?…um…he probably does…or he probably would…he said he likes it when they’re hairy like yours.”
“Mine’s not that hairy,” Celeste argues. “I just haven’t shaved it in a few weeks.”
“It’s more hairy than Mrs. O’Donnell’s. But that’s okay because I like it that way too.”
“Do you now?” Celeste looks around his room and spots his phone on his desk. “I’m surprised you're not jerking off to it right now.”
For some reason, he blushes at that. “Okay, well, I already did, like five times since I got home from school.”
“What a dirty little boy you are,” she says, impressed. “I can’t really blame you. I know if I had a picture of my dad’s cock when I was your age I’d have done the same.”
“What are you even talking about?”
“I would have masturbated about ten times since I got home from school,” she jokes.
“But, wait, girls can’t jerk off, though.”
“We can’t?”
“First of all, you don’t even have a dick. And second, you don’t make any cum. Only boys have cum.”
The clueless little dear, she thinks. “Both of those things are true, but girls can still jerk off. Believe me.”
“Nuh-uh. Are you messing with me?”
“Not at all. It’s just that girls jerk off a bit differently than boys do.
“Seriously? Okay, but, like, how?”
“Are you sure you really want to hear this? From your mother?” He nods enthusiastically and his mom sits down on the bed, making sure he gets a peek down her blouse when she does. “Okay, then, pay close attention. Girls have something called a clitoris. It’s part of our pussy…a very important part. It’s where we get most of our pleasure. Do you understand?”
“I…I think so…”
“When we jerk off, we rub our clitoris. Slowly at first, then faster and faster.”
“Just like I do with my cock, right?”
“Exactly like that. Sometimes I put a finger, or two, into my vagina while I rub my clit.”
“Wait…Mom, you do this?”
“I do,” Celeste confirms, and gets a tingle that runs all through her body. She never really told anyone before that she masturbates. Sure everyone does it, but no one ever talks about it. “I jerk off almost every day,” she tells him and it’s only a slight exaggeration. If she could get away with it, she’d masturbate several times a day.
“I do it every day! It’s the best.”
“It’s pretty good, I’ll give you that. But there are better things out there, trust me.”
“Wow. That doesn’t even seem possible.” His brow furrows and he tries to sort out what he was just told. “But, what I don’t get is what happens when you…finish?”
“I get a very good feeling that starts in my privates–”
“You mean in your cunt?”
“Yes, sorry, in my cunt, and it spreads everywhere all through my whole body.”
“I get that feeling, too…sort of…except mine starts in my cock. It sometimes makes my balls feel all tickly.”
“That feeling is called an orgasm. Boys have them and so do girls…or women.”
“Max said it’s called busting a nut.”
“That’s one way to put it, I suppose, but Max doesn’t know everything, just remember that.”
“Okay, I will…it’s just, I don’t know…I still don’t really get how exactly girls do it.”
“Do you want me to show you?” Celeste hears herself saying those words before she has a chance to think about it. She instantly wants to take them back, but she can’t.
“You mean it? Really? That would be awesome!”
She can back out, just because she said it doesn’t mean she’s committed.
Connor can sense that she’s rethinking her offer. “Please, Mom! I promise I won’t tell anyone. I think it would be so cool.”
Celeste wants her son to think she’s cool, but how far is she willing to go? Why did she say that? Maybe because she’s been fantasizing about doing that for him over the past two days? Masturbating in front of her son while he jerks off for her. It was a shameful fantasy, to say the least, but it made her come so good. Is it something she can really do? Something she’s willing to lower herself to? Exposing her innocent son to such a perverse sex act? She begins unbuttoning her jeans.
“Okay, but I don’t want your father to know about this, so we have to be quick, and we have to be quiet,” she says and pulls her pants down.
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Just so everyone knows, this is how it's done:
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Dear Rachel,
How can we, your happy readers help make writing fun for you again? Because you owe us nothing. You’ve never owed us anything. Not one word.
In fact, a huge part of what makes your writing so powerfully attractive, compelling, and so damn sexy is that it’s always been so clear you were doing it first and foremost for your own pleasure, because you wanted to.
That’s always been a huge part of your magic. That these wickedly delicious topics turned you on too, so much that you would go to all this trouble to express them.
Then seeing you be turned on even more by going to all the extra trouble of publicly…
Rachael, please don't make the next scene too quick ! Now , where did I put my stash of rocks?
When Steven is more interested in the television show than the clues directed at him, it’s no wonder Celeste is quickly conceding her misgivings about her activities with Connor. The young man is lucky to have a mom like Celeste. She may have doubts, but she also has her needs. Teaching Connor should result in quite the journey for both of them.
I look forward to much more in this series.
Celeste is such a good mom to teach Connor about masturbation! Her husband should pay more attention to her, but then we wouldn't have this great story!!
Celeste is such a good mummy to Connor. Steven doesn't deserve her flirting, and we can't really blame her for enjoying someone else's attention.